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Diana’s Success Story
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Diana’s story is one of true heartbreak after years of struggle, but with a glorious golden light at the end of the tunnel. Here is her truly inspiring fertility journey…
Name: Diana
Age: 38 years
Number of years trying to get pregnant?
5 years
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop.com?
My husband and I got married in June 2003, I was 26 years old back then and we decided that we were going to wait to have children and finish school and buy a house and be ready. We waited five years. In 2010 our journey to ttc began, we had so many plans, and we even chose the month our baby was supposed to be born in. I clearly remember it was March 2010 when we began our journey of ttc. But unfortunately things didn’t go as planned. A few weeks after we had began our baby making homework, I got my period, and we were a bit disappointed, but kept on going, then kept on trying the next and the next and the following months without success.
After 6 months of trying I went to see my OBYGN to have some test done and all came back good, except that I had high levels of prolactin so they put me on this medicine called bromocriptine. I took it religiously. And 6 more months went by and no baby. The doctor then suggested to try clomid, so we did three cycles of clomid without success, and I decided to stop because those pills were making me very sick and moody. We kept on trying and in January of 2012, I remember I missed my period and took a home pregnancy test, and voile…. I was pregnant. We were so Happy, my husband didn’t want me to do anything, lift anything, etc. he just wanted me to take care of myself. Sadly, that pregnancy didn’t begin well because I was spotting from the first day we found out I was pregnant, and I ended up having a miscarriage at about 5 weeks pregnant. We were devastated, I cried and cried and stayed home for a week after this horrible experience. But together, my husband and I, had to get up and continue with our lives. Fortunately, my husband has been very supportive and caring.
Our journey continued the same, except that some months we were really dedicated to the baby making and other months we took it easier. In October of 2013 I tested positive for a pregnancy again, but again was spotting from day one, so we weren’t so enthusiastic about the pregnancy, however, I carried that pregnancy all the way to week 12 and then I had a second miscarriage. Once again our hearts were filled with sadness and sorrow, but we kept going. The only difference between miscarriage one and miscarriage two, was that this time we were able to collect a sample of the embryo tissue and send it to a lab to find out if there were any problems with the baby, we were then sent to a maternal fetal specialist and based on the results from the test performed our baby had an extra chromosome and that is why my body instantly rejected it. From that point on, all I heard my doctors say was, if you want to have a baby we strongly recommend IVF as soon as possible. you are getting older and your chances to conceive are getting narrower…
Around May or June of 2014 I had a third pregnancy, this time was what is called a chemical pregnancy. I knew I was pregnant because I had a feeling and did a home pregnancy test two or three days before my period was due, and yes I got a positive result, but the second line on the test was very faint. Two days later I got my period (the day I was supposed to get it) and it was just like normal, like every month. I went to see the doctor and she explained that this type of pregnancies happen sometimes, but that there was nothing we could do, she tested my prolactin levels again and they continued high, so she recommended to keep taking the bromocriptine (but I didn’t follow her instructions, instead I followed my instincts) Life kept on going as usual.
What information and products made the difference for you?
In July 2014… I realized that I had to look for natural ways to conceive, and that is how I found the natural fertility info website, because I started a frantic search online for natural ways to have a baby. After a thorough search I decided that the natural fertility info website had everything I was looking for and I said to myself that the choice of having a baby was only in my hands, no one else, nor my doctors, or my husband. I read all articles related to my case in the natural fertility info website about egg quality issues, miscarriages, how to improve the quality of my eggs, how to ready your body for pregnancy etc.
I prayed and proceed to buy the Fertile Woman One Daily vitamins, the vitex to regulate my hormones and prolactin levels, the royal jelly, the maca (which I put into all my smoothies and I gave it to my husband too, we had smoothies every day), I ordered the organic red raspberry leaf tea and took 3 cups a day (this is a miraculous tea), I started drinking a lot of water daily, and I began a partial organic journey when it came to eating and buying groceries. We bought organic eggs, organic chicken, organic fruits and vegetables. I began cooking healthy meals at home that contain spinach, carrots and lots of greens and purchased the fertility massage video and did a few massages every month. Ohhh and I completely quit coffee. No caffeine was allowed in my diet.
As months went by I became very aware of what I ate and drank and tried to have a very calm life, I had a strong feeling that I was going to be successfully pregnant soon and all testimonies that I read at the natural fertility info web site gave me more courage to continue.
In September of 2014 I decided that I was ready for the Fertility Cleanse to detox my body from all other toxins and hormones that laid in my body. I purchased the Fertility Cleanse Kit and followed the instructions on the box. A lot of the stories I read said they got pregnant a month after they had finished the kit. In my case it was two months after I finished the kit and we were so happy. Today we are 5 months pregnant, and all is going wonderful. My baby is healthy and strong as a rock. No spotting or anything at all. We can’t wait for the day we carry our baby in our arms. He is already moving and kicking a bit. Life is wonderful.
What is some advice you would give others going through their fertility journey?
My advise to all women out there that are having difficulty conceiving is to never give up, and do your own research and follow your instincts. The power of our minds is so incredible that we can accomplish anything we want. I am now 38 years old and consider myself very lucky but in part this success is due to the way I change my way of thinking and I adopted a positive attitude. I started to blindly believe that I was going to be pregnant soon and that I would have my child soon, strong and healthy. When our dog left us in August of 2014, we took a week off from work and went away to Cape May NJ, and there I had a lot of time to think and reassure myself that my baby was coming soon. That week I bought my baby two outfits and hung them one in my closet and one in my husband’s closet. I also read a book, Inconceivable by Julia Indichova. Her story is so encouraging as well that I really recommend it to all of you. I saw myself in her and was convince that if she did it I could do it too.
Lastly, I want to thank the Natural Fertility Info team, you have been very supportive all the way, answering all the questions I had so far. Your website is so easy to follow and it has valuable information that no other websites offer you. Your products are so great and the best of all is that everything is natural and free of chemicals. Your team is the best and I wish you the best in the world personally and professionally. Without you and your products I don’t think I would had accomplished my goal.
Good luck to all of you!!!! Do not give up your dream of being a mom! If it is God’s will it will happen, but you have to help yourself too by cleaning your body and following the Natural Approach… Natural Fertility Info is the way…
Much love…