[testimonial style=”pink”]With God all things are possible. I started using the Fertility Cleanse Kit, firstly because I understand that I have consumed a whole lot of medicine from clomid to every other medication one may think of, but the result was pain and discouragement. I decided to look for help from the internet for supplements and I found this great website and decided to give it a try and to my greatest surprise God answered me through them. I did the fertility cleansing, used vitex and some other products together with Pregnancy Test Strip and everything actually worked for my good. I am now a proud mother of a baby boy! Glory be to God and thank to you guys for putting up supplements like this, especially to Hethir and Dalene. God bless us all.
Chrischi, age 33, ttc 5 years[/testimonial]
[testimonial style=”white” name=”Mounira”]
Dear Mrs.Rodriguez and Team,
Thank you for generously providing comprehensive and explicit information about our bodies, hormones and how to soothe ourselves back to ease and wellbeing.
After 20 years of excruciating period pain necessitating continuous intake of strong pain killers… AND bed rest…After collapsing twice in the last six months… After numerous doctor visits and scans…I found you and I was better in 2 weeks.
After the fainting I was determined to try something… I also took a hormone test. Progesterone low …. Life has been stressful.
As I kept looking for hormonal “dis-ease” and Chasteberry your website came up to confirm the use and effectiveness AND also how the balance reinstates itself…naturally. I got onto 1,000mg per morning of Chasteberry. I also started taking flaxseed oil and applying Progesterone Cream.
I just remembered another element, a side benefit: I had noticed around 18 / 12 months ago facial hair, thicker, more plentiful, along jawline and the chin especially. I hardly survey my face so I am not sure when they first appeared… Nor when they first went!
That’s right, ten days ago I noticed it just isn’t here anymore. After 3 months of starting the regimen.
Two weeks had barely gone by that my period came. It was… something else! Barley a wee bit of cramping NO PAIN… in 2 weeks! After 20 years of weak legs, intense cramps and debilitating conditions… Truly amazing. After the amount of times Drs had told to keep on taking chemicals /pain killers…
I am so glad that I do not have to take pain killers anymore.
Thank you for your generosity and helping fix me.
Thank you very much. God Bless your families and your business.[/testimonial]
[testimonial style=”green” name=”Cassandra, Age 33, TTC 3 years”]
I have two daughters and have lost four babies through unexplained miscarriages. After seeing five different doctors and being given a clean bill of health by each one, I was at the end of my rope. When I found this website I had been toying with the idea of using vitex to help with my low progesterone and short luteal phases, but didn’t have the courage to begin using it. With the help of this community, I began with 200mg of vitex and gradually increased to 1200mg over the course of a few months. The changes were gradual at first, with my post-ovulation temperatures gradually getting higher, my pre-menstrual spotting lessening, and my luteal phases lengthening from 8 to 15 days. After being on the vitex for six months, my cycle looked absolutely perfect and the next month I was surprised to find myself pregnant! I am now 20 weeks along with another healthy baby girl![/testimonial]
[testimonial style=”white_pink” name=”Frances, will be TTC soon”]
I was diagnosed with insulin resistance in my mid-teens in which PCOS, I was told could be another issue. I was placed on birth control along with other medications but only found that I was having more side effects than benefits. Over the years I have been struggling with keeping a regular period and even lost getting it for several months. Knowing how medication did nothing but harm me, I began searching for natural ways to bring my cycle back. I came across this website and read up on the herbs to help me starting with goldenseal for a week as a uterine cleansing then moved to vitex and black cohosh (vitex I took during the morning on an empty stomach and then the black cohosh mid-afternoon with a meal). Lo and behold after a month of eating right and taking those herbs, I nearly cried when I saw that I had gotten my cycle back. I will be married in October of this year (2013) and my future husband and I plan on trying to conceive shortly thereafter. I just want to sincerely thank you for this helpful, informative website and I hope to be writing a continuation of this story with a successful conception. Thank you so much once again.[/testimonial]
I would like to thank you Hethir and your team members for your constant support. I also thank God for directing me to your site. I have now received the answers to my prayers and I am now PREGNANT! I did a test yesterday and it was positive. I am yet to see a doctor to know how many weeks…my hubby and I are so excited! Being in my mid 30s and diagnosed with PCOS, my hubby and I have been trying to be pregnant for almost 3 years. I was in despair, discouraged and almost giving up! But with the right information (Healthy Diet, Lifestyle and Supplements) from this site, I conquered PCOS and I am now pregnant. Thank you again and continue helping ladies out there who want to get pregnant. I believe there is a chance for every woman consulting this site, to be pregnant in one way or another. Never loose hope.
God bless!
Alice [/testimonial]
[testimonial style=”white” name=”Gina, 37, ttc 8 years”]
Hello everyone,
I have been diagnosed with PCOS about 15 years ago. I have been trying to conceive for the last 8 years with no luck. Had a couple of miscarriages. My last one miscarriage was in 2006. I’ve taken Clomid and HSG shot for a total of 6 months with no luck and also had an IUI done. Nothing was helping. I’ve was getting more depressed and I know that was not helping. The end of January 2013, I found Natural Fertility Info.com and read everyone’s success stories and they also had the same problems like me. I thought I would give it a try. I started taking Royal Jelly, Maca Root and Cod liver as soon I got received it the beginning of February. On March 21st, 5 days before my cycle was supposed to start I found out I was pregnant. I was in disbelief and cried. All this time going to the doctor’s and getting tested and I was not having any luck at all. I wished I would of found Natural Fertility many many years ago.
Unfortunately they were not able to find the fetus. I was preggers but it was in my fallopian tubes. I had an ectopic pregnancy which can be very dangerous for me. My gynecologist gave me a shot to stop the fetus from growing and to help it dissolve. I feel so disgusted saying that (dissolve). If i didn’t do that then I would of ended up in the hospital with a bursted tube and could loose it. I couldn’t take that chance with my luck. I had to take almost 2 1/2 weeks off of work cause I was so depressed and I cried almost all day. My gynecologist told me to wait a couple of cycles before we can try again. My cycle started again in May 2013. Now waiting for my 2nd to start. Today 6/10/13 I started taking the Royal Jelly, Maca Root and Cod liver again to give it a jump start. I do know that Natural Fertility has helped me. I hope it helps again and blesses us with a healthy baby.[/testimonial]
[testimonial style=”pink”]After trying for over 3 years to conceive…It finally worked!!! I used the OvaWise Kit…for helping the egg quality as well as bringing antioxidants and nutrients in the reproductive area. Oh my gosh!!!…along with drinking down almost a pitcher of frozen (3 cups) of fruit and veggies, a ton of kale and or spinach drinks daily, also adding flaxseed, almond butter, and coconut butter. It will give you great health benefits and fertility!!! I also tried to conceive every other day.
THANK YOU LIZ FROM the fertility shop and DR. Lester Packer who created the antioxidant vitamin!!!
Christine, age 41[/testimonial]
I am so happy to share that after having surgery for endometriosis in 2009 and being on birth control pill the two years following without having a cycle at all to prevent pain. I was praying for pain relief and found your website. I learned about vitex and started taking it along with nattokinase and natural women’s multivitamins and taking my birth control pills. I was amazed by the fact that for the first time I had a menstrual cycle with no pain! I was so thankful to God for being pain free I didn’t know that my greatest blessing was right around the corner! In April for my birthday I went to visit my in laws in New York and traveled with my Aunt in law to Bermuda and while on the trip I woke up feeling sick so my Aunt took me to see the doctor on the ship and found out I didn’t have food poison but instead I was pregnant.
So this Christmas I will have a healthy baby boy under my Christmas tree, all I can say is thank you Jesus my prays have been answered.
[testimonial style=”green” name=”Kayla, age 28, TTC 1.5 years”]
My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since October 2011. We were tracking my ovulation and were very consistent. We got pregnant in August 2012 and it unfortunately ended abruptly in September 2012. It was very devastating to us since all of my best friends were getting pregnant and we had been trying for way longer than them. We were feeling defeated and didn’t know what to do. We continued to try to conceive for many months when I finally came across this website and learned about all of the natural ways to conceive. We were just about to give up and go to the fertility specialist but this website and testimonies gave us hope. My husband and I started taking Maca Root pills in January 2013 and in March 2013 we bought the Fertility cleanse and I was very diligent in doing it until completion. I am very happy to say that the month after I finished the cleanse, the first time trying to conceive we were successful!!! I am now 18 weeks pregnant (August 2013) with a very healthy baby boy. He is due to arrive in January 2014! We are so thankful to everyone that helped with my questions on this site and for the info I received about natural fertility. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I do also truly believe that God completely led me to this site and the wonderful information I received. I Praise Him for this baby!! I hope and pray that other women find hope and success in conceiving as well.[/testimonial]