Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this site are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.
Elizabeth’s Success Story
Even when trying to conceive may seem hopeless, a miracle may happen! Years after Elizabeth’s unexplained infertility diagnosis, she chose not to give up! Elizabeth’s hope and courage helped her to educate herself and try again. Here is her uplifting story…
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Name: Elizabeth
Age: 38
Number of years trying to get pregnant? 2.5
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop.com?
We were married in 2009, I was already 34 and my husband was 39. It was my first marriage, and I wasn’t quite yet ready for children, so we waited a little over a year to begin trying with the thought that we should probably start, as we weren’t getting any younger.
To my disappointment, it wasn’t going to be that easy. Month after month we tried, and nothing happened. After about six months, my gynecologist referred me to a fertility specialist, and I went through testing. An HSG showed my tubes were open, no blockages. Further testing showed I had plenty of healthy eggs, “like a 20-year old!” in the words of the doctor. My periods were like clockwork, and always had been. The only abnormal thing was that I had been spotting slightly mid-month for the past couple of years, which I thought might have something to do with hormonal imbalance of some sort, but neither my gynecologist, nor my naturopath were too concerned about this. My husband never got his sperm count tested, but other than the possibility of a problem on his end, there was no reason we should not be getting pregnant.
We decided that although we really wanted a child, we were not prepared to go the route of fertility treatments or IVF, and had resigned ourselves to the attitude “whatever happens, happens…”. We figured if it was meant to be, it would work out but if not, we were prepared to resign ourselves to the fact that we would just never have children.
After about two and a half years going on like this, I was searching the web for ANY information on how to boost fertility naturally, and came across Hethir’s site. After reading the information and watching Hethir’s videos and a particularly poignant video testimonial, I decided to give the Fertility Cleanse a try as kind of a last-ditch effort. After my next cycle ended, I began the cleanse. I finished the cleanse, and figured that I must not have gotten a full month supply, as I was out of capsules and tea but my period hadn’t come yet. (By this time I had stopped watching my cycle closely, we had kind of given up on timing things and ‘trying’ anymore.) Upon looking at the calendar and date of my last period I suddenly realized – my period was already one week late!!! This NEVER happened. Still not believing I could be pregnant, I went out and bought a pack of pregnancy tests and lo and behold – PREGNANT!!! I ended up taking every test in the box, and even buying a second box, before I could let myself believe it was true.
I am currently 34 weeks along with a little girl, and am due on June 2nd.
I just want to thank Hethir and this site for making our dream come true – I am 100% positive I would not have gotten pregnant without the Fertility Cleanse, and it truly feels like a miracle.
What information and products made the difference for you?
Hethir’s videos really made me feel like she knew what she was talking about. The information on the site was so thorough and also I loved the supportive feel of the site. The video testimonial of the girl who had not had a period in years but then became pregnant is really the one that made me decide to try the cleanse. The Fertility Cleanse package is the only product I tried, and I became pregnant after doing it for only one month.
Which products did you take and for how long?
Fertility Cleanse (capsules and teas), for only one month.
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?
I didn’t notice feeling any different, but I think that was the first month I didn’t spot in the middle of my cycle as I had been doing for the past couple of years. So changes must have been occurring inside my body, with my cycle.
What is some advice would you give others going through their fertility journey?
I would say, try not to let it consume you, although it’s hard when you want something so badly. It’s important to try to relax, keep anxiety and stress to a minimum, and make the healthiest choices possible for your body (diet and exercise) to foster an environment where fertility can prevail. Most important, don’t give up! If I had given up I truly feel I would not be in the situation I’m in now, about to have our first child in just a few weeks!
Thank you so much for all of your information, support, and your amazing products.
Update 4/6/2015:

How are you and your baby doing now? How old is your baby now?
We are doing great. I now have a healthy and happy 21-month old, and we are so overjoyed that we were fortunate enough to find this website… we feel so blessed that we were able to conceive naturally after so many years of trying. We feel our family is complete, and could not imagine our lives without our dear daughter.