Hi, Hethir
I just wanted to say THANK YOU from the very bottom of my heart! 🙂
The thing is… I had to cancel my IVF today…. Because… Guess what?
I don’t have a clue as to why this suddenly happened in our 21st TCC, only two weeks prior to the egg retrieval, but all I know is that I had a perfect ovulation this time. The mucus was clear and stretchy, and my body didn’t have to try for it more than once. The OPKs came back negative until it was time for the egg to go (as opposed to previous ovulations, where they could come back positive, then negative, then positive 4 days in a row and THEN ovulation would occur), and everything just felt so right this time. Perhaps my hormones finally got it right, and that my body has found its balance?
Needless to say; I have never been happier in my entire life. I’m having a baby in November!! I’m going to be a mom!!! After more than two years of sweat, blood and tears, we have finally made it, and we did it without shooting my body full of medication (except for the nasal spray) and having my eggs ripped out of me and put in a test tube, too… I am so utterly happy right now; I can’t even begin to tell you… 🙂
I have been following many of your advice lately, and I want to thank you so much for providing me with a very strong and positive focus and lots of inspiration these last few weeks. It’s been priceless. Your support by just being online has meant very, very much to me. You have given me faith, and you have given me hope.
And who knows; maybe it was one of your articles that actually led to my happiest moment of all times, too? See, I have made some changes in this cycle. And you made it that much easier for me to find good, sound advice and to apply them to my own life. 🙂
So, once again: THANK YOU!!!!!! 🙂
The world is such a better place with people like you around. Keep up the good work, and please: do not ever lose this passion of yours!
Jeanette (Norway)