Number of years trying to get pregnant?: 1 1/2
What was your fertility journey prior to finding and the We had been trying to get pregnant for about 6 months, with little success. I started getting more anxious about my cycle as I noticed I had a very short luteal phase, and I would have spotting for up to 6 days before starting my period each month. I began doing tests with my doctor and was referred to a reproductive endocrinologist. I decided to try some natural methods to see if I could get my body back on track after having been on hormonal birth control for 14 years.
What information and products made the difference for you? : I started taking Pregnancy Prep blend, with Fertiligreens added to my smoothies. In the beginning of 2019, I did the fertility cleanse, the smoothie challenge, and had a consultation with Anna-Marija which was so helpful. I changed up some of my diet, and implemented vitex, maca, and systemic enzymes into my routine. I also incorporated whey protein into my smoothies and did castor oil packs.
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?: I started to see my luteal phase lengthen, from 10 days at the beginning to up to 12-14 days. I was still experiencing some spotting leading up to my period but not for as long. I also noticed that my period got heavier (before it was 2-3 days and fairly light). My body felt like it was getting back on the right track. My TSH levels for my thyroid also dropped to a range more conducive for fertility.
What is some advice you would give others going through their fertility journey?: Definitely explore all options, and know that you don’t have to commit to just one way of doing things. I wound up still needing fertility treatment to get pregnant— after many tests that came back unexplained, I opted to start IUI cycles. I was incredibly blessed to get pregnant on our first IUI. I needed that extra help to get pregnant; however, I believe all the natural fertility approaches— diet, exercise, supplements, meditation— helped prepare my body so that I was ready for the final step. Know that you can use both natural and medical methods to get pregnant, and that they can absolutely complement each other.
How are you and your baby doing now? How old is your baby now?: My little boy was born on January 1st (a week and two days late) and weighed 9 lbs, 1 oz. I had an extremely long and difficult labor that ended in a c section, and it has taken some time to adjust to the fact that my labor was not how I had hoped. I am recovering well now however, and my son is the absolute light of my life! He is almost one month old and brings us so much joy every day!