Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this site are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.
Kim’s Success Story
“My body was doing everything perfectly on it’s own. So now the question seemed to be, “When would we conceive?” Well the answer was soon, and very soon” |
Nothing is more frustrating than trying everything your told to do to get pregnant and then ending each cycle with your period. Wait, I do know something that is more frustrating, being diagnosed with unexplained infertility. When your doctors can’t tell you what is causing your struggles, it can leave you with a feeling of total confusion, anger, frustration and sadness all wrapped into one. Fortunately for this woman, her feelings were a warning to herself to take matters into her own hands. Learn how Kim became her own fertility advocate and took her fertility by the reigns.
Name: Kim
Age: 33
Number of years trying to get pregnant? 3.5
“Divine Intervention”
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop?
We started TTC in Aug. 2010 once I turned 30. Thought it would be easy. After 1 year- no bump. Went to my OB for help. Tried 1 month of clomid- it was awful, like an out of body experience. Did 3 months of Femara- no results & had an HSG to check my tubes- no blockage. My husband did a semen analysis- all was normal, every test we did was NORMAL. But we didn’t feel normal b/c we couldn’t conceive! In 2013 we decided to try medicated IUI’s with an RE. On our last cycle (we did 3) I got pregnant in May, by the end of June we found out we had a missed miscarriage. We were shocked and heart broken to say the least. I immediately started working out, eating healthier, I stumbled upon this site in August 2013- purchased Royal Jelly, Fertile CM, baby aspirin, prenatal, Vitex, basal thermometer, OPKs, and pregnancy tests and 1 month later I purchased FertiliGreens.
Since we were both diagnosed with unexplained infertility- I had no idea what the problem was, so I decided I should address a multitude of them. We also decided to switch to a new OBGYN- which gave us new insight and I was also seeing an acupuncturist. I talked to my new OB- told him I wanted to be more informed about my body, so I started charting, he agreed to monitor me for 1 cycle to see how my body was operating on it’s own. His words exactly, “I couldn’t have done this better myself!” My body was doing everything perfectly on it’s own. So now the question seemed to be “When would we conceive?” Well the answer was soon, and very soon- In Nov 2013 we were successful. I am now 9 weeks pregnant and still holding my breath, but I really feel with the help of these products, my new OB, acupuncturist, and God’s divine Intervention- this Baby was meant to be!
What information and products made the difference for you?
This website is extremely helpful and informative. I love the chart they have on what you should take together and at what times of the month. I even sent an e-mail a couple of times asking about a product and they answered me very quickly and matter of factually.
Which products did you take and for how long?
I purchased Royal Jelly, Fertile CM, Vitex, Basal Thermometer, OPKs, and pregnancy tests in August 2013. I took 1 pill from each product daily, I charted daily and about 1 month later purchased FertiliGreens, I only took 1 teaspoon of this product in my daily juice.
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?
My body had begun functioning on it’s own naturally (had no idea if it had already done this by itself, we weren’t tested prior). The best product for me was the FertiliGreens. I had always had bowel problems and this product has worked wonders!!! Honestly, it has been the best purchase I have ever made! It works!
What is some advice would you give others going through their fertility journey?
It sounds so cliche but just take a deep breath and take a step back. Think of all the things you are doing to your body and toxins that you could be introducing into your body. For me, I’ve always preferred natural. I was so sick and tired of feeling like crap all the time from the meds I was on- and apparently for no reason! I always felt good while on these natural supplements, if you take them as suggested, or less, they will not affect your body negatively. In my opinion, most Dr.s will just throw medicines at the problem and never really do any problem solving or monitoring to see what the problem actually is- Demand that your Dr. monitor your cycles, check to see if you are ovulating on your own, do blood work and check your hormone levels- get EDUCATED about your body!!! If your Dr. won’t help you, find another who will! This could literally be the difference between having a baby or not for a lot of women!
Is there anything else you would like to share?
This site has been a tremendous help to me! I am constantly sharing this site with others, as I am part of a infertility support group. I feel like we need to take heed to all the junk we are putting into our bodies, and if it isn’t absolutely necessary- then why do it? Listen, I would do just about anything to have a baby, so I know how women feel that are diagnosed with infertility, my suggestion would be- find an OB that is willing to help you, research these supplements, try some out, test your body to see how it reacts! What’s there to lose?
Update 9/14/2014:

“My pregnancy was a pretty healthy full term pregnancy… we have a beautiful baby girl named Kinsley Elise. She was a very healthy 7 lb., 11 oz. She is now 25 days old and was born 8-15-14. We are so blessed to have her and so thankful for our ups and downs and our journey that led us to have her. I can definitely credit the research I did on your website and your products to assisting with our little miracle… We are so grateful to God for our little miracle and I have vowed that I will use my experiences to help other women who may of also struggled with infertility!
Thanks for checking back with me, and thank you for your website and all of your wonderful research and products!”