Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this site are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.
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Moriah’s Success Story
“Vitex and Night Weaning”
This is the delightful story of how one breastfeeding mother, struggling to achieve a healthy pregnancy again, but not wanting to neglect her nursing child uses natural means to help her succeed…
Name: Moriah
Age: 38 years
Number of years trying to get pregnant? 1 year
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop.com?
My journey with fertility prior to reading “Vitex… Fertility Super Herb?” by Hethir Rodriguez on the Natural Fertility Info website had become one of stagnancy and disappointment. I refused to feel like my age – 37 at the time, was too old to conceive a 2nd child! We’d tried for almost a year while I continued to nurse our 2 year old, with no success, but two disappointing chemical pregnancies. Conceiving Baby 1 had been a snap so I’d naturally assumed baby 2 would be the same. But time kept passing, even though I was gently weaning our daughter – and still nothing. I felt as though something…and perhaps even something very simple and small…but vital to my being able to conceive again – was “off” in my system.
What information and products made the difference for you?
Natural Fertility’s article about vitex resonated with me – and I knew that I needed to give this little herb a try. I live in Jordan, and it is not available here….which is very annoying considering that the plant itself actually originates very close to here! I’m SURE that it must be somewhere, but I couldn’t find it. I ordered it online and had it sent to me by a family member in the US.
Which products did you take and for how long?
When my Vitex finally arrived, I began taking one tablet of the recommended dose daily. Then after reading several articles online and comments from women who’d been taking twice the dose I was taking successfully and without harm, after two weeks of being on one tablet/day, and because it was my fertility window (and I’d decided it was “my month” to conceive baby 2), I upped my dose to two/day. I continued taking two tablets into my first month of pregnancy and then cut back to one. I was reluctant to stop altogether, since my daughter was still breastfeeding four times a day. Only recently, in my fourth month of pregnancy, have I stopped the Vitex altogether. My little girl now only nurses twice a day for short duration as well. I was a little worried this would influence my ability to carry my new baby to term, since I’d had an imbalance in the first place which prevented me from conceiving for a full year after my period had returned.
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?
I became pregnant the same month I began taking Vitex. To me, a mother very much wishing to conceive again, that was a marvelous benefit!! 🙂
What is some advice you would give others going through their fertility journey?
Listen to your body. Live in a country where you can get excellent advice from people who know about natural fertility and health. Unfortunately I do not. It has been a challenging time for me!
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Best of luck to everyone out there walking down this sometimes befuddling and cloudy path. There is a lot of information online – don’t believe everything you read. Listen to yourself and trust your body’s messages to you!
April 7, 2017 – I just wanted to send this addendum to our communications. The power of vitex is a wondrous thing!
…Pretty much immediately after starting vitex, I conceived our 2nd child. We have been revelling in her marvelousness ever since.
Well, the reason I’m writing is, I thought that, same as with Baby 1, my on-demand and often through the night nursing of Baby 2 would once again reduce my luteal phase, thus creating a pause in my fertility. What I hadn’t considered is that the work vitex did in my system may have had permanent balancing effect so that the challenges I faced before would be gone.
So you see where I’m going with this?
Now I’m 40 and should know better than to assume I can’t get pregnant without protection, I agree. But my hair was nonetheless totally blown back to discover that my husband and I are expecting Baby 3, after basically just one (albeit unintentional) try since my periods returned post pardum (it’s been several months), and without my taking more vitex! I admit it’s a little bit of an oops, but we absolutely intended to have a third. I just had hoped to wait until Baby 2 was out of diapers and on her way to being weaned at the least. I am deciding it must be a blessing from God/the Universe so I’m gonna just “go with it”. 😊