There are a lot of benefits to eating a diet high in whole foods for fertility, and they are a lot more powerful than ‘just eating healthy’. Let’s Take a look at the 6 Benefits of Eating Whole Foods for Fertility.
Some of the main benefits of eating a predominately whole foods diet for fertility health are:
Being aware of the amount of fiber you are eating on a daily basis is worth the Focus because of all the benefits of fiber brings to the body.
Here are some of the top reasons as it pertain specifically to fertility…
- Hormone health – Fiber plays a role in helping with her mental health because it helps the body to get rid of excess estrogen’s.
- Keeping things moving – Fiber also helps to keep the digestive track moving and helping one of the main detoxification pathways of the body to function optimally.
- Blood sugar balance – Eating foods that are high in fiber also help with blood sugar regulation because fiber slows down the absorption of sugars helping to keep the blood sugar levels balance. This is important for hormonal balance and health.
- Where to find fiber – Foods that are high in fiber are going to be leafy green vegetables nuts seeds and fruit.
More fertility health benefits of eating fiber…
A whole food diet is going to be naturally rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are amazing at helping to protect our cells and are important for egg and sperm health.
Making sure to get as many antioxidants as you can on a daily basis is important because antioxidants are not stored within the body and we need them to be constantly circulating in our blood.
- Eat everything that is purple and red – An easy shortcut to getting plenty of antioxidants is to eat as many foods as you can that are purple and red.
- Protect egg and sperm health – Antioxidants are important help to protect egg and sperm house from for radical damage helping to make sure you are doing what you can to help and protect egg and sperm health from for radical damage.
- Support cell turnover – Some antioxidants can help to support cell turnover so we have the healthiest cells in our bodies functioning the best that they can.
- Reduce inflammation – Another fun thing about antioxidants is they are also some of the best foods and compounds to reduce inflammation within the body.
- Some of my favorite antioxidants are – Avocados, Berries, Ningxia Red, Acai, and turmeric.
My favorite antioxidant supplements…
Reducing inflammation
There is a connection between Inflammation and fertility issues.
- Congestion = inflammation – In various studies it was shown that many fertility issues also had markers for inflammation in their results as well. Anytime there is a congesting type of fertility issues such as PCOS, endometriosis or fibroids you want to do what you can to help to support a healthy inflammatory response in the body. Antioxidants are great for this.
- Gut health – whole Foods also help to support get health which is important for having a healthy inflammatory response in the body. Gut health issues can be one of the main starting points for chronic inflammation to become a problem.
- Calm the system to be more receptive instead of reactive – When you are trying to conceive, do you want to make sure we are doing what we can to help to keep our systems calm and receptive instead of reactive. If there is a consistent state of inflammation in the body that is more of a reactive state. By eating whole food diet and using supplementation to support the body and having a healthy inflammatory response this will make a remote receptive environment for implantation in pregnancy.
- Eat foods high in antioxidants – one of the keys to helping to support a healthy inflammatory response in the body is to eat a diet high in antioxidants.
The role of inflammation in infertility…
Minerals are important for many functions when it comes to reproductive health. The foods you are going to get minerals from our found in a diverse whole foods diet.
- Whole foods are where you are going to get your minerals that are important for fertility – Some foods that are highest in minerals are green leafy veg, nuts and seeds.
- Important for sperm and egg health, hormone production and the endocrine system – Minerals are important for producing sperm, cells to function correctly and the endocrine system also relies on minerals to function well.
Are minerals the missing link to getting pregnant?
Healthy fats
Healthy fats are important for any type of nutritious diet. But when it comes to reproductive health, healthy fats are super important. The great news is if you are eating a healthy diet you are able to get a high amount of these types of nutrients directly from your food.
- Hormone producing – Fats are important for producing hormones
- Cell health – Healthy fats play a role in cell health and function
- Best sources for healthy fats – fish, nuts and seeds
The right fats are healthy for fertility…
Reduced irritants and anti-fertility foods being eaten.
One of the great side effects of eating a diet high whole foods is that you will eat less foods that are irritating and more processed. There will just be less room for these foods physically as whole foods make you feel fuller longer. But there will also be more awareness for how they make you feel when you do eat them. The difference is pretty dramatic if you have been on a whole foods diet for a period of time and you begin to eat some of these more irritating and processed foods.
Be cautious of anti-fertility fats…
Watch The Introduction to the 21 Day Fertility Diet Challenge
- Learn how to transition to a natural fertility diet by focusing on the important 5
- Get all the details on how to use nutrition as a tool for hormonal health, cell protection and fertility wellness
- An effective tool to help your tastebuds transition towards healthier foods
- Learn which foods are most important for fertility and how to regularly eat them