This tea is great to use as part of a Fertility Cleanse to prepare for conceiving.
1 part Dandelion
1 part Nettles
1/2 part Yellow Dock
1/2 part Burdock
1/4 part Peppermint
Parts can be a cup of each, a table spoon or pounds, it matters how much herb you have. I like to make large batches and store it in tins so my tea is ready any time that I need it.
How to make hot tea:
- Use 1 T. of the blend to one cup of water.
- Bring to a boil and quickly turn off and cover with a lid, let sit for 5-10 minutes. Enjoy!
How to make sun tea:
- Use 4T. of the tea blend with one quart of boiling water.
- Put both into a glass quart jar, put a lid on it and let sit 2-4 hours.
- Enjoy room temperature or refrigerate. Drink throughout the day.