Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this site are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.
Katharina’s Success Story
If you have been looking for inspiration and hope to keep you moving toward your dream of having a baby, you have found it! This is the first of many personal interviews from those who have found our website helpful for them on their journey to conception, pregnancy and beyond. This success story will warm your heart.
Name: Katharina
Age: 32
Number of years trying to get pregnant? 2 years
An empowering journey… and now 28 weeks along
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop.com?
We started trying to conceive right after getting married. Of course we had high hopes that it would happen soon enough, but it didn’t. Each cycle brought disappointment and as time went by even tears started flowing. After a year or so I had blood tests done to determine whether everything was okay on a hormonal level. Results were inconclusive, and my doctor was very quick to suggest fertility treatments and medication, which we definitely were not ready for. There had to be a kinder and more natural way! This is when I seriously started looking into natural fertility options, and found Natural-Fertility-Info.com quite by chance. I think it was through one of the videos on self fertility massage on youtube.
What information and products made the difference for you?
I was amazed by all the information I found on Natural-Fertility-Info.com, and took steps to an exciting journey. In addition to reading the fantastic and well-researched articles here, I read books on natural fertility and joined the natural fertility community which made me feel truly empowered and in charge of my own fertility.
Based on the advice found here, we selected a few products we felt would fit us best: We both took maca and I decided to take vitex after a while additionally, as I felt that my cylces were not as they should be. Among the many other positive changes made were pregnancy preparation tea following a recipe from Dalene, castor oil packs, self fertility massage, the fertility diet, and deep relaxation.
Which products did you take and for how long?
After three months of maca I added vitex for myself, and followed the usage guidelines provided here. I continued vitex (slowly lowering the dose) through the first trimester of my pregnancy, and we are both still taking maca for its general health benefits.
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?
We soon felt a difference with regards to our energy levels from using maca, and vitex started working right away, too. Within the first cycle on vitex, I had a healthy period that was unlike anything since coming off the pill. I felt so much better and also pain free, which was unusual for me. So, after three months taking vitex, my hormones were so balanced and where they should be, and we got pregnant. I am now 28 weeks along and the baby is growing strong and kicking as I am typing this. We could not be happier and are so grateful to have found Natural-Fertility-Info.com and with it such wonderful people like Hethir and Dalene, and the wonderful women at the natural fertility community.
What is some advice would you give others going through their fertility journey?
For us, being empowered by so much well-researched information and such a friendly community was worth so much! It is wonderful knowing that we are in charge of our health and did not have to be pressured into fertility treatments that simply did not seem right for us. This journey has been an eye-opener, and has built so much trust within ourselves. I’d say that this trust and empowerment were the best things to have happened to us on our ttc journey. We are so happy expecting our first child due in three months, and would encourage everyone trying to conceive to have a look into the wonderful natural methods you can use to help your body along.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Dear Hethir, Dalene, and dear team at Natural-Fertility-Info.com!
I am so grateful to have found you and the wealth of information you provide…All the more important that I thank you for the truly wonderful, well-researched, and empowering information you provide – and all of this free of charge. You are amazing! You have helped me gain a deeper understanding of my body and fertility as a whole, and I cannot thank you enough for this. Finding you was just the start to a wonderful journey, and we’re really looking forward to welcoming our little one, soon.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!