Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this site are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.
Aleta’s Success Story
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How would you feel if in your twenties you were told you would never be able to have children because you were going through early menopause? Probably devastated. This is exactly what happened to Aleta. Fortunately for Aleta and her husband, advances in reproductive technology and a little old fashioned natural pregnancy preparation helped them achieve a goal they weren’t sure would ever be possible. This is Aleta’s story…
“Try, Try Again…”
Name: Aleta
Age: 37
Number of years trying to get pregnant? 9 years
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop.com?
I was diagnosed with menopause at 23 and premature ovarian failure by age 28. I was told my only option to get pregnant was using donor eggs. I didn’t want to accept this as the truth, especially because we didn’t have that kind of money. I saw a handful of doctors and specialists over the years, but the results never changed. I tried lots of natural remedies – fertility yoga, meditation, psychotherapy, B.E.S.T. therapy, chiropractic, diet and exercise changes, acupuncture, Chinese herbs and nutritional supplements. While all these things made me feel better, I still wasn’t pregnant. We attended a Fertility Expo and checked out adoption options too. We applied for a few IVF grants to assist with costs, but were never selected.
In 2013, after 6 months of acupuncture and no natural period, we decided to move forward with donor embryos (a cheaper option). However, none of them survived the thaw. Six months later, after cashing out my husband’s retirement, we went forward with a fresh donor egg IVF. Unfortunately, it didn’t take. We had three embryos left. Two months later, we tried again but the transfer was cancelled the day before since my uterus wasn’t cooperating. This is when I decided to try the Fertility Cleanse. I had known about it for a few months and even recommended it to a friend who had success with it. I did the fertility diet and cleanse, along with the castor oil therapy, fertility massage and yoga. I drank red raspberry tea, took my prenatal vitamins, cod liver oil and UteriCalm every day. I continued my acupuncture and drank fertility smoothies with Maca and wheat grass. At the end of the cleanse, I had a period naturally. I can’t remember the last time I had a natural period. We went in for another round of IVF and I’m ecstatic to announce we’re now 15 weeks pregnant!
What information and products made the difference for you?
All of the products I mentioned in my fertility journey.
Which products did you take and for how long?
- Fertility Cleanse – 1 month
- Fertility Smoothies with Maca – 6 weeks
- UteriCalm – 8 weeks
- Castor Oil Therapy with Self Fertility Massage – 5-6 weeks
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?
I felt really good and knew I was nurturing my body in preparation for pregnancy.
What is some advice would you give others going through their fertility journey?
Everyone’s story is different. Be easy on yourself and your spouse. Try not to blame yourself or your spouse for infertility. Follow your heart. Have faith. Ask your fertility doctor for donated meds and financial assistance – you never know.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Thank you for offering these articles and products.
Update 9/2015:

Motherhood is amazing but definitely not an easy job. She is a dream come true and definitely worth the wait. We are so very lucky. Thank you for being there for us. When we’re ready for #2 I plan on doing all the same things – diet, massage, cleanse, etc.