Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this site are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.
Alexandra’s Success Story
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It is always a mystery when years of pregnancy struggles come after a pregnancy and birth that came quite easily, but this is exactly what happened to Alexandra. Years of infertility testing, continually trying and finding her cycles getting worse, not finding the support or options she desired, she stumbled upon the guidance and support she needed. This is her story…
Name: Alexandra
Age: 35
Number of years trying to get pregnant? 2
Alexandra’s Unexplained Infertility…
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop.com?
I got pregnant very easily in early 2009 with my son. I have always had very regular cycles and I tracked my temps and CM as my method of birth control for about 5 years before my husband and I were ready to “see what happens.”
We started TTCing in August of 2011 for our second baby, thinking it would ideally happen pretty quickly. After 5 months of trying, we took it a little more seriously and I started taking my temps again and tracking with FertilityFriend. My midwife and I troubleshooted a few possibilities too. My periods were steadily getting heavier and heavier and were extremely clotty. I was burning thru a super tampon in an hour or two and experiencing days before and after AF of brown spotting with occasional brown spotting mid-cycle.
At the 12-month mark, my husband and I met with an RE who was recommended by my midwife. He ran a handful of tests on both my husband and me… a full semen analysis for my husband and progesterone, estrogen and anti-mullerian tests for me along with an ultrasound to check my uterus for fibroids and my ovaries for mature follicles. Everything turned out normal and we were officially diagnosed with unexplained infertility.
Our RE suggested trying a round of Clomid as the next step in an effort to boost my ovaries into spitting out two or three eggs, but I wasn’t comfortable with it. We decided to part ways with our RE and pursue more natural methods.
I found the Natural Fertility Shop and Community shortly after I was quite literally booted out of another infertility forum because I didn’t plan to go down the path that Western medicine has in place for infertile couples.
What information and products made the difference for you?
In the winter of 2012 I did a fertility consultation with Dalene and got a lot of great information. Because of the recommendations she made, I added cod liver oil to my daily supplements (I was already taking prenatal vitamins). I purchased a Fertility Cleanse shortly after and completed it in May of 2013. Throughout that summer, I drank a tea blend that included herbs recommended by Dalene a few times a week and was planning to start seeing an acupuncturist in August of 2013 when my son started preschool. I found out I was pregnant the week my son started school, before I even got a chance to make the appointment with my acupuncturist.
Which products did you take and for how long?
Fertility Cleanse – 1 cycle
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?
I didn’t notice any immediate changes in my cycle after completing the Fertility Cleanse. I didn’t feel any differently either. After 2 cycles, I did notice less brown spotting and I stopped having mid-cycle spotting. Overall, the only change really was that I finally got pregnant.
What is some advice would you give others going through their fertility journey?
Patience is probably the hardest thing to have when dealing with infertility, but it’s what we need most… that and an incredibly loving and supportive partner.
Update June, 2015:

I’m doing very well. My son was born last April and is a happy and thriving 13 month old. I posted my birth story on my blog that you’re welcome to read and share, at http://www.mamasaywhat.com/ms-birth-story/
I also posted a bit about my fertility journey here:
Your site was a tremendous help for me during my journey and I’ve recommended it to friends more than a few times.