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Eliza’s Success Story
Eliza had experienced miscarriages, but because she had achieved pregnancy she was denied medical infertility assistance, so she decided to research her options online. This is how she found us, and the information she needed to help her go on to have the baby she always dreamed of…
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Name: Eliza
Age: 34
Number of years trying to get pregnant? 2
“Progesterone helped me to have my baby boy”
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop.com?
Prior to discovering this website I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks and two positive pregnancy tests followed by delayed period. It took us nearly two years of trying and failing at getting a healthy pregnancy. I did not qualify for fertility treatment on NHS in UK as I had been pregnant in the last two years. I was worried about my age as after 35 it is very difficult to get approved for IVF treatment. I had a feeling that every month we tried the implantation just would not happen, so I had made my research and found your site. I have read up on other pregnancy sites about progesterone and it looked like it was indeed the miracle … to help with implantation and prevention of miscarriage, so I ordered two bottles and waited patiently for the delivery from USA.
What information and products made the difference for you?
Apart from progesterone I have used Maca powder for about a month, but strongly believe that the Progesterone was the solution for my fertility issues.
Which products did you take and for how long?
I have used Progesterone cream for two months and on the second month I was pregnant! I have continued to use Progesterone through all of my pregnancy up to 37 weeks, however I have reduced the dose significantly after 16 weeks. Later I have found out from the web search that Progesterone has been approved as precautionary measure for pre-term birth in some countries. I have used Maca powder for one month prior to getting pregnant.
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?
I felt some pleasant warmth and comfort in my uterus from using Maca powder and Progesterone cream helped implantation and development of my pregnancy.
What is some advice would you give others going through their fertility journey?
Don’t give up! Change your diet to avoid things like caffeine and alcohol and take Maca powder, but the most important (was for me ) is Progesterone. Make sure not to miss the dose of it in the vital first 16 weeks. I have made a wall chart to tick off the progesterone application times and always carried one bottle of Progesterone in my hand bag and had one in my locker at work, just in case I would be away from home and would miss the time slot to apply the cream. I probably went over the top in my obsession with timings and applications of Progesterone, but once I was pregnant I was going to do anything and everything in my power to have healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I have had an early scan at 7 weeks and it confirmed that there was a heart beat. I would strongly recommend anyone to do the same as the knowledge of having a viable pregnancy did put my mind at rest and helped me being more relaxed and focused until the 12 weeks scan. Now that my little boy is 6 weeks old we are already talking about trying again next year for the second child and I will be using Progesterone again and will recommend this miracle product to all my friends who struggle to get pregnant or to maintain a healthy pregnancy.
Update August 2015

How are you and your baby doing now? How old is your baby now?
My baby boy is thriving – he is almost ten months old now and…. there is a little sister on the way!!! There will be only 13 months difference between them. And yes, I did use progesterone again and surprisingly it was the second month of trying with progesterone when I got pregnant. I am nearly 30 weeks now and cannot wait for our little girl to be here.