Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this site are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.
Vanessa’s Success Story
After a very painful miscarriage Vanessa decided that she would take important steps to prepare her body for pregnancy. Today she shares how her miscarriage made her feel, the steps she took to prepare for pregnancy and some good news…
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Name: Vanessa
Age: 31
Number of years trying to get pregnant? 2 years
Feeling Blessed…
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop.com?
I was one of those women that just said it will happen when it happens without preparing my mind, body and soul for this this amazing journey. Back in October 2011, I got pregnant after trying for 6 months and I thought how wonderful this is and went along with my life as normal. It was in January 2012, when I was 19 weeks pregnant that I lost my son. The reasons are still unknown. We thought after the first trimester was over we would be safe. Life could never prepare you for dealing with what came next… the emptiness, sadness, anger… and the list goes on and on.
What information and products made the difference for you?
I’m not even sure how I came upon the natural fertility website, but I feel absolutely blessed to have stumbled upon it. First and foremost, the information was so helpful. I spent hours browsing the different topics- and also sharing with my husband things that pertained to him. I included the link on my facebook page and got a few ‘thank you for sharing.’
Which products did you take and for how long?
The product I took was the fertility cleanse (last month July). I followed the instructions and kept with the program for the full 30 days or so.
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?
Right after taking the product, I didn’t really physically different, but I knew for sure I was getting rid of the toxins in my body. Not only did I take the fertility cleanse, I made a few changes. The website shared so much information of the toxins we are surrounded by. Last month, we started buying lots of fruits and veggies that were organic. We ate wild caught fish, organic chicken, grass fed beef (but only in small amounts). We invested in a juicer and juiced at least 2 to 3 times a week. Our juice included lots of fertility friendly fruits and veggies. We also both started taking raw maca powder in our teas. We also dumped our cleaning products and went for natural products and home-made where necessary. Lastly, I did the self fertility massage a few times (not what was recommended, because I am a busy working woman and didn’t have the time at the end of the day.)
What is some advice would you give others going through their fertility journey?
The advice I would give others going through this is the same I read on this website… I don’t remember where exactly I read it but it said something to the effect of “would you put your baby in a dirty crib? So then why would you put your baby in a dirty womb?” This was my big light bulb moment that I needed to change my habits and my environment (especially those that were in my control.) Most of all, if you are spiritual or not, stay strong and positive. I believe in God and I told him that I trust his timing. I have Faith in Him.
Is there anything else you would like to share?

Yes, I would like to share that last night I took a home pregnancy test and got a positive result. I have not shared this with anyone in my family yet and am staying strong and positive for a successful pregnancy. I wish all of you the best with your fertility journey. Most of all, I thank Hethir and her staff for all the work they put into the website and sharing information to woman who sometimes feel hopeless. You are all blessed in my book and may you continue to Bless other lives.
Update May 2014:
“Hi, I just wanted to follow up on my success story: “Vanessa’s Pregnancy Preparation & Blessing.” I want to let everyone know that on March 4th, my son Victhor was born. My pregnancy was high risk and Victhor came at 32 weeks gestational age weighing 3 lb 10 ounces. But nevertheless, he was born healthy and strong. I tell everyone I meet with a fertility issue or not about this site and about the useful knowledge and products available. Keep up the great work guys and I wish all of you success in your journey.”