The Study:
Enzyme therapy -a method of immune therapy for women with a history of immunologically-induced habitual abortion
Dittmar, F.-W. Offprint from Forum Immunologie 3/2000
For women with a history of immunologically-induced habitual abortion, only a few therapies are currently available which are also known to be associated with a limited rate of success and substantial side effects.
The goal of this investigation was to evaluate the benefits of a systemic enzyme therapy in pregnant women with a history of habitual abortion based upon the course of pregnancy and delivery, and also including the “fetal outcome’.
Materials and methods:
144 pregnant women with immunologically-induced abortion received a gestagen preparation and an enzyme combination preparation, and were observed until the time of delivery. The standard data concerning pregnancy, birth and the child were collected and evaluated.
114 of the 144 erizyme-treated women demonstrated an inconspicuous course of pregnancy up to the birth of their 114 healthy children (79% success rate). The enzyme therapy was seen to cause no unpleasant side effects.
For immunologically-induced habitual abortion, enzyme therapy is seen to be an effective form of immune therapy. The maternal immune system is stabilized by the enzymes administered, thereby affording relief during the full-term development of a pregnancy. The further clarification of the molecular mechanisms of action of these agents is the subject of current research projects. Enzyme therapy can primarily be recommended for women who have suffered several abortions, in spite of the fact that they had received the common forms of immune therapy, and who are consequently looking for a therapeutic alternative. According to experiences made to date, enzyme therapy is considered to be very successtul for women with a history of habitual abortion and can be reflected in their completed pregnancies. Furthermore, it is tolerated well and also seen to be quite economical.
This study is an amazing discovery for women who have experienced immunologically-induced recurrent miscarriages. The results of the study, simplified, are as follows:
There were 144 women treated using the systemic enzyme blend Wobenzym N. Of these 144, 114 were able to carry out their pregnancies and gave birth to healthy babies. This is a 79% success rate with no unpleasant side-effects.
Given the alternative options and costs to medically treat immunologically-induced miscarriages (around $12,000 +), enzyme therapy is very promising and affordable option.
I have included a link above to the study in its entirety so you can show it to your doctor/health care provider.
Click here to learn more about natural therapies and recurrent miscarriages.