The Fertility Cleanse focuses on supporting and nourishing your body, so the first step is to remove all of the toxic foods from your kitchen. The second step is to create a fertile kitchen full of nourishing foods that make up a fertility diet. Always remember with lifestyle changes… be patient and gentle with yourself.
You can do the Fertility Cleanse regardless of what your diet looks like or what your diet philosophy is. Please do not wait to do this cleanse until you are eating perfectly. Do the best you can by starting to transition to the Fertility Diet one step at a time. But you can start your Fertility Cleanse while you are making baby steps towards the Fertility Diet.
The following dietary guidelines will help you during your cleanse:
Top 10 items to remove from your kitchen
- Alcohol
- Cigarettes
- Non-organic meats and dairy
- Processed foods
- NutraSweet & aspartame
- White processed grains
- White sugar
- Fried foods
- Processed foods
- Soy foods
Now on to what you can eat…
- Eat all vegetables organic.
- Eat low amounts of Dairy products and they must be organic.
- Eat fish at least three times a week.
- Eat all red meats Grass Fed and Organic.
- Eat all chicken free range/Organic.
- Eat all grains in whole, natural form.
- Eat carbohydrates in equal amounts with protein.
- Eat something high in enzymes with every meal.
- No soy of any form unless fermented- miso, tempeh.
- No refined sugars or fruit juices (unless freshly juiced).
- Drink lots of clean water.