Macro-nutrients – protein, fiber and fat – are an important set of nutrients to be sure are included in your daily Fertility Diet. This guide shares nutrient-dense foods which help to provide these macronutrients.

Natural Fertility
Natural Fertility tips, information, herbs, supplements and more
Macro-nutrients – protein, fiber and fat – are an important set of nutrients to be sure are included in your daily Fertility Diet. This guide shares nutrient-dense foods which help to provide these macronutrients.
Hethir Rodriguez is the Founder and President of Natural Fertility She has been a Certified Herbalist for over 19 years, holds a Bachelors degree (BS) in Nutrition Sciences. Since founding Natural Fertility in 2007, Hethir has written and co-authored over 1200+ articles on Fertility; and her research, articles, and guides have been read by over 40,000,000 people. Hethir has dedicated her life to empowering women with to take control of their health with natural therapies.
Here are my top 5 ⤵️
Men experience fertility issues just as frequently as women do. The good news is it’s a lot simpler to address male fertility as they only have a handful of causes of imbalance.
Herbs are a great way to support male fertility naturally (in addition to a nutrient dense diet). These are my top herbs for male fertility...
🧜♂️ American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) - A traditional rejuvenation tonic for men, American ginseng nourishes and supports the nervous system, immune function, and proper hormonal balance. It may support healthy 🍆 drive and performance.
🧜♂️ Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris) – Traditionally used in both traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, Tribulus supports normal count, motility and morphology, improves 🍆 function. Tribulus is known to help increase luteinizing hormone (LH), DHEA and encourages normal testosterone production- all factors which influence sp3rm quality and health.
🧜♂️ Maca root (Lepidium meyenii)– A tonic for the hormonal system, maca supports and nourishes the hypothalamus and thyroid, encouraging normal sp3rm health as well as 🍆function/libido, increased energy, stamina, and mental clarity.
🧜♂️ Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) – Nourishing to the entire endocrine system, saw palmetto supports overall reproductive function in men. Men with low sp3rm count, low libido, stress, who are irritable or experiencing anxiety, who have poor immune function, poor lifestyle and dietary habits have shown to benefit from this herb.
🧜♂️ Yohimbe bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe) – Found to support healthy male drive and increase circulation to the male reproductive organs, yohimbe helps to sustain an 🍆 naturally.
Type MH5 in the comments below to learn more about our male herbal formula that includes all 5 of these herbs in an easy to use liquid formula.
#malefertility #malehormonehealth #fertility
What to eat for fertility...
Nutrition can make a big difference when you are wanting to prepare for pregnancy, support hormonal health or overcome fertility issues.
But it can sometimes be hard to start new habits.
One of my favorite ways to make lasting dietary changes is to focus on what you can add instead of only the things you shouldn’t be eating.
There are 5 specific things I have my clients add to their current diets every day.
🍌What they found after about 21 days of eating this way, they started to not only crave healthier foods, their body was giving them positive feedback through lighter cycles, better digestion, clearer skin and more energy. ⚡
While eating healthy is something you will need to do for the rest of your life, doing a challenge like this helps to give you a great jump start.
👇 Type FIVE in the comments to learn more about the Important 5 and start a 21 Day Fertility Diet Challenge.👇
#fertility #naturalfertility #fertility35 #gettingpregnantover35 #fertilitydiet #fertilitytips
Healthier periods by next cycle... 💁♀️
You don’t have to have a painful period every month.
There are a hand full of causes which I cover in-depth on my website.
All of the causes can be impacted through dietary changes and adding some self-care therapies.
✨ If I were to pick just ONE to start with it would be Womb Care Castor oil packs and switching to a whole food plant based diet. Okay, that’s two, but these two steps could transform your period in just a cycle or two.
Here are some other tips to try out as well.
Dietary changes to make:
1. Stop eating added sugars and sugary foods (candy, cakes, soda, etc).
2. Reduce or stop drinking caffeine and alcohol.
3. Stop eating fried foods and foods cooked in oils (avocado, olive, coconut are okay).
4. Eat a predominately plant based diet for it’s anti-inflammatory and fiber benefits.
5. Reduce or cut out red meat consumption.
Self-care therapies to add:
1. Womb Care Castor Oil Packs
2. Fertility Cleanse 2x per year
3. Add acupressure to your daily routine.
☞ Type PACK in the comments below to learn more about Womb Care Castor Oil Packs
☞ Type CLEANSE in the comments below to learn more about Fertility Cleansing
☞ Type DCM in the comments below to learn more about self-acupressure for a healthier period.
#periodhealth #naturalfertility #fertilitytips #reproductivehealth #reproductivewellness #castoroilpacks painful periods
This is one of the main causes of fertility issues....
Exposure to excessive hormones from our environment.
Yep. These compounds, known as ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, are causing hormonal imbalances which are negatively affecting our ability to ovulate.
They also negatively affect EGG health and sperm count.
♻️ These environmental factors include plastics (with BPA being one of the most commonly known), body care and hair care products, household cleaners, and even fragrance candles.
🛀 These environmental factors cause us to have repeated micro exposure to xenoestrogens on a daily basis, without even knowing it.
These xenoestrogens mimic estrogen in the body but in a potent way, causing a hormonal imbalance which can contribute to the growth of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, heavy periods, and painful periods – all of these are linked to excess of estrogen within the body.
So, how do we deal with this? First, we cleanse and detoxify the body.
By supporting the body’s natural ability to eliminate these compounds and excess hormones, we can significantly alleviate the hormonal imbalance.
👉 This can be done with The Fertility Cleanse Kit.
Next, we need to eliminate the triggers from our lifestyle. This includes switching out products that contain phthalates, parabens, and endocrine disruptors for natural alternatives.
❗This includes everything from hair care, skincare, body care, household cleaners, to laundry and dish detergent.
Thank goodness companies are responding to the need for “clean products” and creating effective and healthier alternatives.
🥦 Finally, nourishing ourselves with supportive foods is important for fertility and overall health. Consuming a diet rich in whole-foods provides our body with necessary vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.
Eating a balanced diet consisting of organic vegetables, legumes, nuts/seeds, and healthy fats can provide the support needed to keep hormone levels balanced.
➡️ Type PREP in the comments below to learn which next steps to take to support your fertility naturally.
#reproductivehealth #reproductivehealth #naturalfertility #fertilitytips #fertility
The only advice the Dr gave me was to wait and see...
My fertility journey started out of pure frustration.
And from that day forward a fire was lit and has been roaring ever since.
You see, I was miscarrying and all the doctor gave me as a solution was.... to wait and see.
I bet you know all too well how this feels.
Maybe it wasn’t a pregnancy loss, but was a lack of diagnosis, or a lack of empathy. Or even a lack of believing you when you say something doesn’t seem right.
That is why I never want you to feel like I did that day.
That’s why I show up here everyday to share with you everything I know... EVERY WAY I know to support your fertility.
If you have ever felt LET DOWN AND ALONE along your fertility journey, know that you have options. Know there ARE things you can do to impact your reproductive health.
If you are ready to take an empowered path to pregnancy. One with options and action. Let me know.
👉 Type PREP in the comments below to get started.
#naturalfertility #reproductivehealth #pregnancyprep #fertilitysupport #fertilityjourney
What if healing also was relaxing?
Castor Oil Packs Fertility are one of my favorite self-care therapies for this very reason.
Not only are they are relaxing and easy to use but there are many benefits to using castor oil packs for reproductive health, such as….
➡️ Reducing inflammation
➡️ Supporting scar tissue breakdown
➡️ Helping the body to cleanse and get rid of old tissue
➡️ Increasing circulation
➡️Immune system support
➡️Body detoxification
➡️Breast health
You can use castor oil packs 3-5 times per week as a part of your natural fertility program.
👇 Comment PACK in the comments below and I will send you my Castor Oil Pack 101 guide. 👇
#castoroilpacks #castoroiltherapy #naturalfertility #gettingpregnant #gettingpregnantover35
Why Fertility Cleansing works ⤵️
As an herbalist, I find that cleansing is one of the most effective natural therapies I use.
✨ The body is constantly working to eliminate the old to make space for the new.
By incorporating cleansing herbs to support this natural function, you can accelerate the benefits and enhance overall health.
When it comes to reproductive health, the advantages of cleansing are particularly significant.
This is the recipe for healthy fertility:
📌 Hormone Health + Uterine Health
Fertility cleansing specifically targets these two crucial aspects, ensuring that your body is in the best possible condition for conception.
Why Cleansing Works:
🌿 Supports Natural Detoxification: Cleansing herbs assist the liver and other detox organs in removing toxins more efficiently.
🌿 Balances Hormones: By eliminating endocrine disruptors and excess hormones, cleansing helps to restore hormonal balance.
🌿Enhances Uterine Health: Cleansing helps to clear out old, stagnant blood and tissue, preparing the uterus for a healthy lining and successful implantation.
Fertility Cleansing focuses on these key areas to provide a comprehensive approach to reproductive health.
By supporting your body’s natural processes, you can create an optimal environment for conception and a healthy pregnancy.
That is why this is one of the first steps of my Natural Fertility Formula.
✨✨If you are ready to start supporting your hormone health and fertility this is a great place to start.
👇Type CLEANSE for more info
#fertilitycleanse #naturalfertility”
As an herbalist, I find that cleansing is one of the most effective natural therapies I use.
✨ The body is constantly working to eliminate the old to make space for the new.
By incorporating cleansing herbs to support this natural function, you can accelerate the benefits and enhance overall health.
When it comes to reproductive health, the advantages of cleansing are particularly significant.
This is the recipe for healthy fertility:
📌Liver Health + Uterine Health
Fertility cleansing specifically targets these two crucial aspects, ensuring that your body is in the best possible condition for conception.
Why Cleansing Works:
🌿 Supports Natural Detoxification: Cleansing herbs assist the liver and other detox organs in removing toxins more efficiently.
🌿 Balances Hormones: By eliminating endocrine disruptors and excess hormones, cleansing helps to restore hormonal balance.
🌿Enhances Uterine Health: Cleansing helps to clear out old, stagnant blood and tissue, preparing the uterus for a healthy lining and successful implantation.
Fertility Cleansing focuses on these key areas to provide a comprehensive approach to reproductive health.
By supporting your body’s natural processes, you can create an optimal environment for conception and a healthy pregnancy.
That is why this is one of the first steps of my Natural Fertility Formula.
✨✨If you are ready to start supporting your hormone health and fertility this is a great place to start.
👇Type CLEANSE for more info
#fertilitycleanse #naturalfertility
5 Signs You Might not be ovulating 👇
Ovulation is key when trying to get pregnant, but many women assume they are ovulating just because they have a period.
Only 13% of women TTC know their fertile times.
Here are signs you might not be ovulating and how to confirm:
🚩Low to no cervical mucous - Cervical mucus changes throughout your cycle, becoming clear and stretchy around ovulation. If you notice little to no cervical mucus, it could be a sign of ovulatory issues
🚩Short fertility cycles (< 24 days)- Menstrual cycles shorter than 22 days may indicate that ovulation is not occurring or is happening too early, which can affect fertility
🚩Long fertility cycles (> 35 days) - Long cycles can be a sign of irregular or absent ovulation.
🚩Low body weight (BMI <18.5) - Being underweight can disrupt hormone levels, leading to irregular periods or even stopping ovulation altogether
🚩Irregular or absent periods - If your periods are irregular or you miss them altogether, it might be a sign of anovulation
But let’s not assume.
Here is how to know IF and WHEN you are ovulating. ⤵️
Track your basal body temperature daily.
▶️ Measure your temp. first thing when you wake each morning.
▶️ Use an app, chart printed online or a digital tracking tool.
▶️ Take a look at the pattern created through consistent daily tracking.
What your chart says about your fertility:
✔️ BBT tracking can confirm ovulation. - A sustained rise in temperature typically indicates that ovulation has occurred. This is crucial for timing intercourse for conception.
✔️Once you start charting, you’ll notice patterns. Typically, you’ll see lower temperatures before ovulation and higher ones after. The day your temperature spikes is likely the day after you’ve ovulated.
Use the feedback your body gives you to KNOW exactly how to support your reproductive health.
The Natural Fertility Formula teaches these tools in detail and gives you the foundation to improve YOUR fertility.
You are THE expert on your own body. Let’s translate what it is telling you and get started today.
👉🏽 👉🏽 Comment BOOST for more info.
#fertility #naturalfertility #fertilitycharting #ovulation
Plant Foods to Embrace:
🥦 Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, and cauliflower are not only nutrient-dense but also contain compounds such as indole-3-carbinol, which has been shown to support hormonal balance and may alleviate period pain.
A study in the Journal of Nutrition highlighted that these vegetables could modulate estrogen metabolism, potentially reducing the risk of estrogen-related conditions.
🌶 Iron-Rich Foods
Leafy greens and legumes are pivotal for replenishing iron lost during menstruation, especially important for those experiencing heavy bleeding. The non-heme iron found in plant foods, while not as readily absorbed as heme iron from animal products, can still significantly contribute to iron levels when consumed with vitamin C-rich foods to enhance absorption.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that vegetarians who consume a variety of plant foods are not at any greater risk of iron deficiency than non-vegetarians.
It`s a myth that plant-based diets cannot provide enough iron; foods like lentils, chickpeas, and spinach are excellent sources.
🌰 Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in flaxseeds and walnuts, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce menstrual cramps. A study in the Journal of Reproductive Health suggested that omega-3 supplementation could lessen menstrual pain. Incorporating these into a plant-based diet can offer a natural approach to managing period discomfort.
🌾 Whole Grains
Quinoa, brown rice, and oats are not only filling but also provide B vitamins and fiber, aiding in digestion and hormonal regulation. Whole grains can help stabilize blood sugar levels, which is crucial for maintaining hormonal balance.
The fiber in whole grains also plays a role in binding excess hormones and removing them from the body, as indicated in research from the Journal of Nutrition.
Age isn’t the only factor...
In the past, a common belief was that the only factor which determines ovarian and egg health was age.
There are many factors that can have an impact on the health of the ovaries and eggs including environmental factors, hormones in the diet, and stress, just to name a few.
💎 Egg health is one of the cornerstones of healthy fertility. The health of your eggs (ova) can affect whether or not fertilization and implantation will occur as well as the viability of a pregnancy.
💎 Age has an impact on egg health as the ovaries continued to age, causing the “housing” for the eggs as well as the environment in the body affecting egg cell health.
💎 Protecting the eggs you currently have as well as encouraging ovarian health through diet, herbs, supplements, and increased circulation to the reproductive system is of the utmost importance.
In addition, having healthy fertility is based on many additional aspects to consider, including:
➡️ Proper circulation
➡️ A healthy fertility cycle
➡️ Balanced hormones
Egg health is one of the cornerstones of healthy fertility.
The health of your eggs (ova) can affect whether or not fertilization and implantation will occur as well as the viability of a pregnancy.
During the cycle of an egg’s journey towards ovulation, there is a window of opportunity, a period of time, when certain factors can affect the health of the eggs that are preparing for ovulation. ⏳
This journey takes about 90 days.
The steps you take today will impact the health of your eggs 3 MONTHS from now.
That is why I talk so much about taking a MINIMUM of 90 days to prepare for pregnancy or IVF/IUI.
🙂 Good News! There are steps you can take to help support the health of your eggs.
📌 Type EGG in the comments below and I will send you my 90 Day Egg Health Checklist which goes into depth each of the steps you need to take to support egg health.
#naturalfertility #gettingpregnantover35 #fertility35 #fertilitytips #fertilitysupport this isn’t about age
Radical Fertility Smoothies are one of the best ways to transition to a fertility diet rich in whole foods.
They are easy and quick to make and provide your body with an abundance of nutrients. Plus they taste great!
🍹Type SMOOTHIE in the comments below to get my go-to Radical Fertility Smoothie recipe.
I am loving our new Womb Care Wraps for liver support as well! It`s so easy - just make your pack the same way, and apply directly onto your skin. No heatpack necessary!
Womb Care Castor Oil Packs can be applied over the liver to help with detoxification.
This is great for hormone balance!
👉 Type PACK to learn more about using Womb Care Castor Oil Packs...
🌱Balance your HORMONES naturally 👇
Here are 3 practical and affect ways to support your hormonal health.
One of the keys to see the best results is to stay consistent and learn as much about your body as you can.
1️⃣ Use liver supporting herbs
Herbs such as milk thistle have been shown to help the liver in it’s natural ability to get rid of toxins and chemicals in the body.
This can make a big difference when it comes to hormone balance.
2️⃣ Do the Fertility Cleanse 1-2x per year
Support the body in it’s natural ability to get rid of excess hormones by doing a fertility cleanse.
3️⃣ Stop using skin care and cleaning products that contain hormone mimicking chemicals
Xenohormones mimic estrogen in the body and can cause imbalance.
👇 To learn more about the Fertility Cleansing type CLEANSE in the comments below and I will send you my Guide To Fertility Cleansing. 👇
#hormonehealth #hormonalhealth #periodhealth #naturalfertility #fertilitytips #fertilitydiet