1. Q: When is the best time to try to conceive while I am on the Fertility Cleanse?
A: I recommend that while on the Fertility Cleanse you take a month off from trying to conceive. The reason for this is the herbs in the cleanse are not meant to be taken while trying to conceive. The actions of these herbs are to cleanse and clear out the body. The cycle following the cleanse would be fine to start trying to conceive again.
2. Q: Can I do the castor oil pack after the cleanse also?
A: Yes, the therapeutic castor oil packs can be done at any time as long as you are not menstruating or think you may be pregnant.
3. Q: I am doing the Fertility Cleanse and using the OvaWise Kit. How should I take these products? Can I take both kits at the same time?
A: The Fertility Cleanse should be done first. Once the cleanse is complete then you would start on your next program, which in this case is the OvaWise Kit. Your program would look like this:
Month 1: Fertility Cleanse
Month 2+: OvaWise Kit