How often do you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about your body? No one grows up thinking that getting pregnant would be one of their greatest lifeās challenges. For some maintaining reproductive health is a struggle, let alone even thinking about having a baby. This may leave you feeling as though your body has failed you. Believe me, it has not. It is a miracle that you wake each day; those health issues and struggles are just part of your personal story and journey. I know that by me saying that it may just make you more frustrated or angry, but you know it is the truth. How you choose to live your life each day and what you choose to think about yourself despite the hardship and challenges is what truly matters.
Most of us do not even think about our uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries until something may be wrong. We have become disconnected with what that sacred part of our body does for us. Our reproductive organs serve a very important purpose. How can we reconnect to that part of our body? How can we honor and thank it for all the work it does? What is a simple way we can support our reproductive organ health, that also deeply reconnects us with our fertility? Self Fertility Massageā¢!
Most women choose to do Self Fertility Massageā¢ to heal a fertility issue, which is wonderful, but did you know that Self Fertility Massageā¢ also encourages you to take part in connecting to your fertility in a positive way? Yes, you not only get to directly boost and heal your fertility, but you get to honor and connect to your sacred fertility. Self Fertility Massageā¢ helps heal emotional trauma, aiding a woman who has suffered a pregnancy loss, physical pain, reproductive organ fertility issues, pregnancy termination, or disconnection to her reproductive system. It does this by teaching you how to connect with your reproductive system once again. It gives you a time to take part in your healing process. When doing your massage session, take time to pray, visualize, or bless that area of your body. Directly physically connecting to your fertility is very important when working toward healing.
As you do the massage, what are you feeling? What is that part of your body telling you about itself? It will let you know what it needs, what areas need worked on more, what areas may need to be handled gently or with a bit more pressure? As you get used to doing the Self Fertility Massageā¢, what changes in your fertility have you noticed? Do you feel more confident in your bodyās ability to heal? Do you feel you have more control over your healing process? I hope so!
We do not take enough time to be proactive in the healing of our fertility; Self Fertility Massageā¢ gives you are direct way to do that. There is no better way to support healthy fertility than this unique type of massage!
Additional Ways to Get the Most out of Your Self Fertility Massage Session
There are additional ways to enhance your Self Fertility Massageā¢ healing: Castor Oil packs, aromatherapy and positive affirmations. The Self Fertility Massage DVD shows you how to use a Castor Oil pack prior to doing the massage techniques. This gives you even more time to heal your reproductive organs. You can take this time to quietly prepare your mind, to say a prayer or say a positive affirmation for your fertility journey. Just prior to doing a Castor Oil pack, you could add a few drops of an essential oil of your choice to your abdomen. If you do not want to do a Castor Oil pack and you plan on using another type of massage oil, you could make your own massage oil blend, choosing essential oils that are beneficial for fertility. You can learn how to do this by reading our article Aromatherapy for Fertility.
Positive Affirmations for Your Self Fertility Massageā¢ Session
An affirmation is a declaration that something is true. When affirmations are used over time, they can be referred to as a practice or daily prayer with intention of a positive outcome.
As you say these, truly believe what you say. Sometimes it helps to say it out loud. Visualize the healing you wish to take place. If you are preparing to have a baby, visualize yourself preparing your womb as a cozy, safe place in which your childās first home will be.
Do you have additional ways you to get the most out of your Self Fertility Massageā¢ session? Do you have affirmations you would like to share, or oil blends you like to use? Please feel free to share them in the comments section below. For full information on the complete healing benefits of Self Fertility Massageā¢, please click here.