Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this site are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.
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Jessica’s Success Story
Name: Jessica
Age: 35 years old
Number of years trying to get pregnant?: 2.5 years
What was your fertility journey prior to finding Natural-Fertility-Info.com and the NaturalFertilityShop.com?:
2016: At the age of 32, I started trying to get pregnant.
I found myself pregnant almost immediately. Unfortunately, I had an ectopic pregnancy which resulted in very scary emergency surgery at 9 weeks gestation. I opted for conservative intervention, which meant that I kept my damaged fallopian tube, but lost the baby. I was devastated.
2017: Four months after the ectopic surgery we started trying to conceive again, but we were heartbroken every month. Before the ectopic pregnancy I had fairly regular cycles, however after the ectopic it was about
4 months before the 35-62 day cycles started. I went to a fertility specialist after 1 year of trying with no luck. During that 1 year, I had been tracking my ovulation at home using LH strips and it appeared that I wasn’t ovulating, so I was concerned that my hormones were not back to normal since the ectopic pregnancy. When I went to the physician I had them check me every couple days to see if I was ovulating or if there was at least a dominant follicle in one of my ovaries. It appeared that I was not ovulating. Next I had the physician perform an hysterosalpingogram (HSG) which showed that my damaged fallopian tube from the previous pregnancy was blocked, but my other fallopian tube was in tact. The physician said there was no reason why I shouldn’t be able to get pregnant naturally via the undamaged tube. So we kept trying for another 6 months, at which point the physician suggested I take clomid which is a drug used to stimulate ovulation and can force ovulation making the ovaries release an egg (or multiple eggs). Some of the research suggests that clomid can reduce cervical mucous increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy. I felt the physician was just following a stepwise plan that he used with everyone regardless of the patient’s particular situation (basically I felt my potential risk of ectopic wasn’t being taken into account, so I wasn’t very comfortable with the only option I was presented with. As a traditional medical and PhD student, I started diving into research articles looking for anything that could help fix my problem rather than taking more medications that may increase the risk of another problem and potentially lead me to surgery again.
January 2018: I decided to order some supplements from Natural Fertility that had shown to be beneficial in increasing ovulation or resetting hormones. I told myself and my husband that I would give the herbs 6 months to work their magic before moving to more drastic interventions or synthetic drug therapies.
What information and products made the difference for you?:
In January of 2018: Based on my own literature review and information from the natural fertility website, I ordered Fertilica Vitex, ThyroFem, Fertilica Maca Capsules – Organic 6:1 Concentrate, and Fertilica Tribulus from naturalfertilityshop.com. I found their website really helpful in pointing out which herbs would benefit me, but I also reached out and talked to a certified herbalist from Natural Fertility for advice and appropriate dosages. Input from the Natural Fertility Shop staff gave me confidence and the personal care that I so desperately needed.
I also read the testimonials on the website, which truly gave me hope and this is the reason why I feel compelled to share my experience.
What changes and benefits did you experience from taking the products?:
After taking Vitex for approximately 1 cycle, I stopped taking the supplements because I had read in an article that it may interfere with the natural pulsatile mechanism of the pituitary gland and I was hoping that my period would show up before day 42 – I had mild cramping on and off during this time, but no menses and several pregnancy tests which were all negative.
I noticed the following changes: I had intense pain at one point on the same side that I had the ectopic; it lasted for about 2 hours and never came back, I had changes in cervical mucous which made me think several times that I might be in my fertile window, my cycle actually increased in length and I also had some nausea that came and went. I reached out to Natural Fertility’s certified herbalist for clarification and they eased my worries. With their experience they were able to tell me that I could take Vitex all cycle long and that the herb would not cause any long-term problems for the pituitary gland and that I could see if my period returned on its own within a week, and either way, I could start taking Vitex again. I did get my period around day 60 (after a week off of Vitex) and then started taking Vitex again. For the next cycle I took Vitex, Thyrofem, Maca, and Tribulus as suggested. All the while I was still tracking my ovulation with LH strips and during this second cycle since starting Vitex it appeared that I ovulated.
April 2018: 3 months after I started taking the herbs and only 2 cycles later, I had a positive pregnancy test! I 100% believe that it was the supplements helped me get pregnant after nothing else worked for years, especially after noticing the changes in cervical mucous and LH surge that started only after I took the herbs.
What is some advice you would give others going through their fertility journey?:
My advice to others still going through their fertility journey is to learn as much as you can about your cycle, to track your ovulation, look at thyroid function, and try natural therapies before moving onto alternate treatments that may have unintended adverse effects. Also know that there is hope. Everyone’s situation is different and at times I was so depressed and thought I would never have my baby, but keep trying! It can happen.
How are you and your baby doing now? How old is your baby now?:

Now the exciting part of the story! Since my previous pregnancy was an ectopic, the positive pregnancy test brought fear with the excitement. I had an early ultrasound that confirmed a baby was in the uterus this time. YAY!!! And I had a natural delivery of my healthy baby girl in December 2018!!!! My husband and I are overjoyed and so grateful to have our little girl! Our little girl is thriving and so much fun, and we don’t take her presence for granted.
Lastly, I’m so sure that after years of trying with no results and then taking the herbs for only 2 menstrual cycles and then finding out I was pregnant, that the herbs helped me reset/stabilize my hormones so that I could finally get pregnant naturally. I hope that my story gives you hope to keep trying!