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Susan’s Success Story
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After my husband and I had our first child we decided to take a break for 2-3 years and use birth control. Conceiving our first was fast and there were no problems whatsoever so I didn’t expect to have any problems getting pregnant again. I scanned through the list of birth control methods at my Ob-GYNs office, asked a few questions and opted for the Mirena IUD. At this point, my whole understanding of birth control was to use it in order to prevent pregnancy but I never put much thought into how various birth control methods affect my body and my fertility.
The IUD and Me
Unfortunately, I didn’t do any research on the Mirena IUD, it is apparently one of the “safest” methods out there in not becoming pregnant so in my ignorance, that was good enough. My Ob-GYN also assured me that it is easy to become pregnant again once the Mirena IUD is removed. Well, maybe that is true for some women but not for me. I had used the Mirena IUD for about 3 years and had no menstrual period during that time. My Ob-GYN explained that is because this birth control method is “tricking” my body into thinking that I was pregnant. Still, I didn’t think much of it after she explained that and when I got the IUD removed after 3 years of use, I was waiting for my period to return so I could get pregnant. My period returned 2 months after the removal of the IUD and my Ob-GYN gave me the green light to start trying, that was around January 2012.
Trying to Conceive My Second Child
Two months after that I got pregnant, yahoo! Sadly though, I started having heavy bleeding after a month into my pregnancy and the Ultrasound revealed that the baby stopped developing in the uterus and they couldn’t detect a heartbeat, they predicted I was going to miscarry. We were devastated. My Ob-GYN suggested to perform a D/C but I decided against this procedure and let the miscarriage happen naturally. After all this was behind me and my monthly cycle returned, we tried again but we didn’t get pregnant.
I have noticed that my periods were generally a lot shorter after the removal of the IUD. Menstrual bleeding would only last 1 to 2 days. After almost one year of trying, I had my thyroid tested and the levels were too low. I went to a Specialist to get my thyroid back in order as this can affect fertility, this was around November 2012. Even after this, my period only lasted 2 days at the most. My ob-gyn suggested to try Clomid but my husband and I decided against it, especially since the Ovulation test kits I had been using indicated that I ovulate so I didn’t feel Clomid was right for me and I didn’t want to deal with the risks of using Clomid. I felt my body is already in disorder, no need to expose it to more chemical manipulators.
I prayed about it all and felt I should research about natural fertility. I first came across a product called “Maca” and also “Vitex” that people recommended to improve fertility. At last, I came across this website http://natural-fertility-info.com and became very encouraged by all your information. By that time (summer 2013) we already TTC for almost 1 1/2 years with no success. I probably read every article you have on this site and studied all the products and its effects. I also started charting my BBT (basal body temperature) throughout my monthly cycle to see what is going on with my fertility. You provide such great information, for the first time I understood my body much better and how it is all controlled by hormones etc. and I learned so much. I found new hope and with the help of all your advice and your products I felt my body has a chance to heal.
I started with the fertility cleanse, then I slowly implemented the Fertility diet with the super foods and tried out various products including the Pregnancy Prep Kit. I also did the Fertility Message and the Castor Oil treatment to improve circulation as well as Dong Quai. I also exercised more often. I realized I had to give this time so my body can heal and all these changes could take effect so we stopped trying for about 2-3 months. Then late fall 2013 we started trying again. My menstruation improved to last 3 days. Routinely, I charted my BBT every month and used the Ovulation kit to provide all the signals for the right time to conceive.
Success At Last!
As it turned out, I finally conceived end of December 2013 and gave birth to a healthy baby boy in September 2014. We couldn’t be happier! We finally have our second child and I believe this was only possible with the help of prayer, patience and your great products and information that taught and helped me so much to get my fertility back on track.
Thank you so much! Susan, TX