Birth control-Lupron-surgery-pain-birth control-Lupron-surgery-pain: for many women with endometriosis, the treatment plans can begin to feel like a cycle of wash-rinse-repeat. The same options offered again and again, receiving little relief, yet never knowing what alternatives there may be.
Part of that is because there are very few true endometriosis specialists in this country. Most OBGYNs are simply pulling from a limited bag of tricks when it comes to treating this disease, without an understanding of how else to tackle the problem when those tricks don’t work. And because most OBGYNs are not even trained in excision surgery, the top method for removing endometriosis, you are likely receiving sub-par care if you don’t seek out one of those specialists.
Which is not to say that your OBGYN does not care or want the best for you. In most cases, they absolutely do. But when you only have so much training and experience to work with, it can be difficult to offer up the best possible treatment options.
Excision Surgery
We have already discussed the benefits of excision surgery for the treatment of endometriosis. When a skilled and trained surgeon is able to use this specialized technique for the removal of endometriosis, patients have far better success rates moving forward. If you are currently suffering from endometriosis, finding one of these specialists to treat you and perform excision surgery may be the first step towards healing. But once you have had that all-important surgery, what can you do next to prevent a recurrence in the future?
Integrative Health
Most of those top specialists will tell you that if an excision surgery is performed correctly, there should be no need for extensive medical treatments to prevent the recurrence of endometriosis moving forward. This is a very good thing, as many of those treatments (including Lupron) come with a host of side effects and long-term risks that are often not worth the benefits they provide.
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do what you can to keep your body functioning optimally post-surgery. There are many natural therapies you may be able to employ to keep endometriosis at bay once it has been cleared from your body. Many of those top specialists are now recognizing the benefits of alternative therapies in conjunction with surgery, and some – like Dr. Cook at Vital Health Institute in California – even employ alternative health care practitioners on their staff because they so believe in the value of an integrative approach.
Natural Therapies to Try
In the days and months following your excision surgery, there are several lifestyle changes you can implement which may prevent a recurrence of endometriosis in the future:
Dietary Changes
Eliminating some of the top allergens, such as wheat and dairy, may prevent inflammation and autoimmune reactions that have been theorized to play a role in the spreading of endometriosis. You can take this treatment plan a step further by visiting a local naturopath and submitting to allergen testing in order to determine any other foods you may personally react to.
Studies have shown fantastic results for women using Pycnogenol for the treatment of endometriosis. In fact, in comparative research, Pycnogenol actually fares better than Lupron in symptom control, and endometriosis patients have been able to achieve pregnancy while taking this relatively side-effect free supplement. You can purchase Pycnogenol at any local health food store and 100mg a day may help to prevent future issues with endometriosis.
Decrease Exposure to Xenoestrogens
These are compounds that mimic estrogen in the body, and can be absorbed through foods or exposure to certain beauty products and cleaning supplies. In order to limit your own exposure, you should eat organic whenever possible and use natural products around your home. It is also important to remember that you should never heat food in plastic containers.
Routine exercise may help to prevent endometriosis recurrence for a number of reasons. For one, fat cells tend to lend themselves to hormone production, so maintaining a healthy weight is essential for a healthy hormonal balance. Additionally, exercise can be a great blood mover, and with endometriosis often being related to blood stagnation – this may be an important factor to avoiding future problems with this disease that has previously plagued you.
Follow Up
The key to integrative therapies is to remain diligent with your treatment plans and submit to regular follow-ups so that both your doctor and natural care practitioner can ensure you are still on the right track. Excision surgery may be that first step to healing, while committing to a healthier lifestyle moving forward may be exactly what you need to prevent ever going back to the pain and suffering of endometriosis again.
- The Importance of Lightening Your “Toxic Load” for Endometriosis. (n.d.). Retrieved from:
- Endometriosis (booklet). (n.d.). Retrieved from:
- James, M., ND. (n.d.). Endometriosis – how a natural approach can help. Retrieved from:
- Beim, M. (n.d.). Ease the symptoms of endometriosis naturally. Retrieved from: