Dear Hethir,
I am looking at doing the fertility cleanse, but am breastfeeding my almost 3 year old still. Is there a modified version of the cleanse that I can do without harming her?
She nurses minimally (only 2 times a day). I have been trying to get pregnant this time for about 2 1/2 years, have done clomid and all of that nasty stuff and I am willing to try anything at this point to avoid the IVF in 3 months. We are already on the fertility diet, but want to do everything we can. Could I just skip the mercury part of the cleanse? Thank you!
Thanks for your email. I would not cleanse at all while breastfeeding. Hormones and toxins could be released into your blood stream and enter you breast milk supply. The herbs in the cleanse are powerful and are not recommended during breastfeeding. They are also too strong for a child.
But what you could do is:
- add some fresh-squeezed fruit and vegetable juices to your diet
- follow the Fertility Diet
- participate in Yoga and exercise, which support the body’s natural gentle daily cleansing
- learn about Self Fertility Massage
- learn about Milk Thistle Extract alone
There is information on each of these on and this guide Natural Therapies to Help Your Body Detox as well.
It is rare, but some women (like my girlfriend) won’t get pregnant until they wean. The cycle after she weaned (son was three years old also) she got pregnant.
Best of wishes to you, you will get pregnant. Let me know if you have any more questions and please keep in touch and let me know when you are pregnant!
~ Hethir
For additional tips on trying to conceive while breastfeeding, please review the following guides:
Learn Important Tips for Trying to Conceive While Breastfeeding
The Best Herbs to Help You Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding